Eclipse DemoCamps 2008 - Kraków

W najbliższą sobotę tj. 28.06.2008 w Krakowie w klubie RE odbędzie się Eclipse DemoCamp 2008.

Jeżeli jesteś zainteresowany platformą Eclipse, chciałbyś poznać inne osoby związane z tym tematem to jest to wydarzenie którego nie możesz opuścić ;D

  • 12.30 – 12.50 Wprowadzenie do Ganymede
    Grzegorz Duda, Sabre Polska, Polish Java User Group leader

  • 12.50 - 13.10 Mylyn - Eclipse zorientowany na zadania
    Grzegorz Duda, Sabre Polska, Polish Java User Group leader

  • 13.20 – 14.00 Wprowadzenie do BIRT
    Krzysztof Daniel, Eclipse enthusiast, engineer in Eclipse Support Center at Politechnika Poznanska

  • 14.10 – 14.50 DSL w srodowisku Eclipse
    Grzegorz Bialek, Sygnity

  • 15.00 – 15.40 Razem w Eclipse
    Szymon Brandys, Eclipse Platform committer, engineer in IBM Poland

  • 15.40 – 16.00 Q&A

Inne przydatne linki:
Polish Java User Group
Eclipse DemoCamps 2008 - Kraków

1 komentarze:

Miguel Garcia pisze...


I got to visit your blog after googling for +DSL +Eclipse, and I realized you're into this topic after finding a lot of the acronyms that plague us all DSL fans.

I'm working these days in an Internal DSL (using Fowler's terminology) to embed OO query languages (JPQL, LINQ) in Java. The base technology for that is not yet another DSL, but a generator of a custom internal DSL API (expression builder, fluent interface, etc.) out of a DSL metamodel expressed in an Ecore model (same as everyone who starts with some language definition as input).

Given that there are not many people actually *doing* DSLs (many talk about them however :) I'm trying to find reviewers for a draft of an Eclipse Technical Article I've authored describing the tool in question (as well as how to download it from the EMFT CVS)

Don't hesitate to leave your comments on that bugzilla entry, for ease of reading the PDF can be dowloaded from:

And needless to say, feel free to let others know about this tool proposal.

It would be great if you could send me the slides of your presentation at the Eclipse DemoCamp (assuming they are in English ;-)

